Saturday, July 31, 2010

Website and Update

Since my last update, I've completed learning many of the new and wonderful capabilities of Flash AS3 programming and have implemented them in a newly developed website for Chad Kaplan, animation artist. After the site launch I will be sure to get some working screenpics posted online!

I'm going to adapt my own website to a career in accounting and business administration rather than IT programming, online services, development, etc. The choice of career path growing up in a business-oriented technology-driven market with a background in both industries has been a perplexing one. To make things more difficult, I've been constantly adapting in lifestyle without an exact preference outside of wanting to be involved directly with what I've already learned so much about.

During this time I've been working at a supermarket bakery, creating perfection with confection. I'd post some photos of delicious pastries for you to enjoy but you can't eat it through the computer! It can't be eaten through long distance digital imagery without some technologically unrealized innovation. It's that advanced.

I've been learning guitar, although my guitar (Ibanez GAX70) now needs a 'set up'. A set up for a guitar would be increasing the play of the strings, like reducing the chance for buzzing over a fret, adjusting the strings to sit more parallel, or having the strings lie closer to the frets on the fretboard. If I do a simple barre chord and strum, I'm getting a lot of extra buzzing, despite holding the barre with different variations.

Guitar practice goes well with regular exercise and a diet for bulking up on mass. The protein drinks, glutamine, etc that I incorporate into my workout regimen help with developing muscles and endurance, even in the finer art of being a musician. Once I'm more sure about playing the guitar I'd like to write some songs and learn some complicated music.

For reading, I've read through Sweet Silver Blues, Bitter Gold Hearts and Cold Copper Tears by Glen Cook, and Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, and God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert. I also read The Demon Awakens by R. A. Salvatore for the second time, noting that I hadn't finished it quite thoroughly the first. Currently, I'm currently reading Lovecraft Tales, a compilation of short stories from Howard Phillips Lovecraft's selected by Peter Straub.